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Personal Calgary Insights, Experiences and Explorations

“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.”Michael J. Fox As we launch into the run-up to the Family Day long weekend I thought I’d share with you some of our favourite and wish-list activities and events that might spawn some ideas to help you create fond family memories together. These icons will help you identify the activities of your choice: ⛄️ Outdoors 👓Observe ⛹Participate 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family-friendly 🛍 Shopping 💰Entry fee may be required 🗺 Multiple locations around the city Our favourite events, festivals and activities arranged by Calgary city

I am a bit of a sentimentalist.  As a result, I may be a bit of a hoarder.  I don’t easily part with things that have strong memories associated with them.  The same applies to food and good dinner destinations.  The company I’m in, the food quality and the interaction with the hosts all contribute to the sentimentality and atmosphere – or “atmos-feel”, as I fondly refer to it. Here are my top five dinner destinations in Calgary and the reasons why. 🇹🇷

It’s the event-of-the-year.  You’re looking for that unique location to capture the occasion for posterity.  I chatted with some of my expert photographer friends about this.  Here are their favourite photoshoot locations for capturing those treasurable moments.  You should explore these locations and, if you like what you see, show my connections some love by following them. 📸 Nose Hill Park: A great view of the city, but you may need to walk a distance to get here from any convenient parking.A great location for winter weddings because you're

“The kids are with their grandparents and we have a few free hours to go on a date.  Do you have any suggestions of what we can do in the frigid winter weather that won’t break the bank?”  I’ve had numerous friends ask me this in recent months, so it seems appropriate to explore a few ideas for you.  Here are my suggestions to get you out and about and to offer you a change of scenery with your significant

Since Calgary sits in the transition zone between the undulating foothills of the Rockies to our west and the prairies that touch the horizon in every other direction, the city’s landscape is generally flat.  None the less, there are some cool elevated vantage points that one can visit in in order to see and photograph the compact downtown core and skyline.  Some of these also offer enjoyable walking, reading or bragging spots to take your out-of-town guests to in order

By Christa Delmar A Moment in Walmart As I walked up to the cashier in the express line at Walmart, I was struck by how beautiful she was.  Her smooth, milk chocolate skin was unlined by time but her eyes held a sadness that was undeniable.  She greeted me with a friendly smile and rang through my few items.  I couldn’t help asking, “Where are you from originally?”  Her eyes lit up.  “Ethiopia!” she replied.  “How long have you been here?”  She explained that she had been here just over